©2013 The Primary Water Institute


Thanks to the arrival of the Science of Primary Water it is now possible to literally 'green' deserts, reversing desertification, turning these arid areas into lush, food producing regions, fit for new eco-cities to be established, in harmony with the living land that provides an abundance of primary, earth generated water, from the very mantle of our world. 

We invite you to join our adventure, and global efforts to end thirst for all people, and nations. 

The Primary Water Institute is a work in progress, and is in need of support, in our quest to become established as a place where interns, from many nations, can come to learn how to use new technologies to detect primary water beneath the surface, at depth, and how to use the drilling equipment to reach it, and to set up pumps to bring the water to the surface for storage, and use. 

We know that many nations, including our own, are threatened with water shortages in food growing regions, in urban as well as rural areas.   Drought is now possible to be defeated with thousands of primary water wells, distributed across many regions, in many nations, where it is needed to end thirst.

"Drought is now possible to be defeated with thousands of primary water wells, distributed across many regions,
in many nations, where it is needed to end thirst."

- Greg O'Neill